Welcome to the world of reindeer husbandry. A project of the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry and the Association of World Reindeer Herders (Assn WRH). This site will take you on a circum-Arctic tour of reindeer and people, a connection that is strong, ancient and profound. From the New World reindeer herding in Alaska, all the way around Eurasia, Mongolia and northern China, the world of Reindeer husbandry encompasses a wide diversity of peoples, languages, landscapes and cultures.
However, the livelihood is in essence, practiced in remarkably similar ways, speaking to a bond between people and reindeer that holds much wisdom about how to survive and thrive in some of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Need a beginners guide to reindeer husbandry? Start Here
Rašša Project: Governing, producing, and negotiating reindeer landscapes – towards fair and sustainable use of land
February 5, 2025
The first Arctic Youth Conference wrapped up on 27th of January in Tromsø. It brought together 300 youth from the Arctic and was held under the Norwegian Chairship in the Arctic Council.
February 3, 2025
Under the Norwegian Chairship of the Arctic Council, the first Arctic Youth Conference will be organized in Tromsø from 24+26 of January, 2025.
January 15, 2025
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