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New research shows that wind turbines scare reindeer. The new findings may affect several heated lawsuits about wind power in Sami areas

The New York Times Style Magazine published article about reindeer herding and the work of the Association of World Reindeer Herders

В начале ноября состоялись памятные события для жителей Республики Саха (Якутия), в особенности для эвенков республики. В Якутске и Нерюнгри торжественно были открыты памятники героям эвенкийского народа, оставившим большой след в истории своего народа и родной земли

In the last three centuries, wetlands have reduced by 85% globally, three times faster than forests. Internationally, wetlands have lost 76% of their species over the last 40 years and nearly one million species face the threat of extinction, many of which live in the Arctic. This magnitude of biodiversity loss has a major impact on Indigenous communities who rely on wetlands and these species for their livelihoods.

Market research has revealed that Norwegian consumers want to eat more reindeer meat.

Власти Якутии планируют до 2024 года построить около 60 маршрутных и передвижных домиков для оленеводов, сообщили ТАСС в пятницу в пресс-службе Министерства сельского хозяйства республики.

Film premiere and opening of exhibition called BUOT IEŽAN BOHCCUID DOVDDAN Karen Anna ja su siida 1986-2020 (translated from Northern Sami – ALL MY REINDEER I KNOW, Karen Anna and her siida 1986-2020) took place yesterday at the Nord-Troms Museum in Northern Norway.

Reindeer Herding news

On 15 September 2020, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) released its fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook, a summary report on the status and trends of biodiversity and the progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

The Arctic Resilience Forum: Food Security today Oct.14th from 11:30am – 1:00pm (Eastern Time). Achieving food security has been a varying challenge across diverse Arctic communities, but Covid-19 has laid bare particular challenges associated with supply chain disruption and access to food and conveyed the urgency of addressing these issues within a larger resilience framework.


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