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Framing Adaptation and Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change in the Arctic through the Lens of Indigenous Knowledge

About our session

The session explores the crucial role of traditional Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in the Arctic. It is a part of the global 10545 GEF- UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project.


  • Indigenous knowledge
  • Adaptation strategies
  • Community resilience
  • Policy-making
  • Youth engagement



Session Moderators:

- Marina Tonkopeeva, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry

- Inger Anita Smuk, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (TBC)

Session Description:

The session aims to explore the crucial role of traditional Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in the Arctic. Speakers will present their research and insights on various aspects of adaptation strategies, ecosystem dynamics, and community resilience in the face of environmental changes. The session is a part of the global 10545 GEF-UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project.


1. Introduction (11:00 - 11:05)

- Welcome and Opening Remarks by Morten Høglund (TBC)

- Welcome and Opening Remarks by Moderators

Presentations (11:05 - 12:10)

2. Permafrost Pathways: An Update on Efforts to Connect Science, People, and Policy for Arctic Justice and Global Climate

- Presenter: Sue Natali, Woodwell Climate Research Center

3. Youth Empowerment and Community Driven Resilience Indicators

- Presenter: Jennifer Spence, Arctic Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center (TBC)

4. Nin Nihlinehch’ì’– Li’ hàh Guk’àndehtr’inahtìi (Animals at risk - animals we are watching closely): Gwich'in Knowledge and Management of Species at Risk

- Presenter: Kristi Benson, Gwich'in Tribal Council

5. ‘Leaving No One Behind’ – Sustainable Development of Sámi Reindeer Husbandry in Norway

- Presenter: Kathrine I. Johnsen, NIVA

6. Loss of Reindeer Grazing Land in Finnmark, Norway, and Effects on Biodiversity:

GLOBIO3 as Decision Support Tool at Arctic Local Level

- Presenter: Iulie Aslaksen, Statistics Norway (SSB)

7. Adaptation to Change in Reindeer Husbandry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

- Presenter: Alena Gerasimova, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry

8. Trends and Effects of Climate Change on Reindeer Husbandry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

- Presenter: Lena Popova, University of Fribourg

9. If you don’t want to be the polar bear fast food – just “run-run-run-run-run-run-run-away”: How the Nenets herders deal with polar bears in the Yamal tundra

- Presenter: Roza Laptander, University of Hamburg Institut für Ethnologie

10. Adaptation to Rapid Change

- Presenter: Svein Disch Mathiesen, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (TBC)

11. Open Discussion and Q&A (12:20 - 12:30)

12. Closing Remarks by Moderator(s) (12:30)


The session is being recorded. Each presentation is allotted up to 7-8 minutes. Each speaker is required to provide one slide in their presentation with a policy recommendation related to their talk on how to address climate change and land degradation in the Arctic to be fed into a joint document presented at the end of the session. The session concludes with an open discussion and closing remarks by the moderator(s). Audience members are encouraged to ask questions and share insights.


logos rhr session



More about Reindeer Herding and Resilience project 

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