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An eagle attacked a 20-month-old girl in Orkland, Norway, while she was playing in her yard

Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer for Indigenous reindeer herding youth has wrapped up in Mongolia, the mission was held from August 18th to August 29th

The Centre for High North Logistics (CHNL), the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics, Kunnskapsparken Bodø AS (KPB), and the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) hosted a memorable reception on May 29 in Bodø, featuring traditional Arctic cuisine and notable speeches.

The International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) is thrilled to announce a Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer for Indigenous reindeer herding youth.

ICR team is visiting Dukha reindeer herders in Tsagaannuur village in Mongolia.

The Reindeer Herding and Resilience (RHR) project is a global initiative aimed at building a comprehensive knowledge base on the traditional practices of reindeer herders, focusing on land and pasture management. Progress report for 2023 available

The session explores the crucial role of traditional Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in the Arctic. It is a part of the global 10545 GEF- UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project.

NRK: Reineier føler seg handlingslammet. Ørna dreper reinkalver, selv om hun gjeter døgnet rundt. Nå ber hun myndighetene om å bli tatt på alvor

ICR hosted on-line meeting with Dukha reindeer herding youth 


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