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Under the Norwegian Chairship of the Arctic Council, the first Arctic Youth Conference will be organized in Tromsø from 24+26 of January, 2025.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful holiday season! 

EALLU II and EALLU III (ARISE) projects presented by WRH at the Arctic Council SDWG meeting

Key leaders in the Reindeer Herding and Resilience project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), briefed Norway’s parliamentarians, politicians and academia members on the initiative’s progress and impact.

Det sa saksordfører og første visepresident Svein Harberg da Stortinget i dag behandlet innstillingen om Sannhets- og forsoningskommisjonens rapport

In connections with the Stortinget’s (Norwegian Parliament) consideration of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's report Stortinget Presidency and International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry will set up the NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab in front of the Stortinget in Oslo from 11 to 12 of November. 

By Anders Oksal and Alena Gerasimova, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry

Submitted by Ann Waters-Bayer. The article appeared in the September issue of the “Rangelands Around the World” by Society for Range Management.

The opening of the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems in Rome brought together Indigenous and non-Indigenous experts to highlight the value of Indigenous knowledge in sustainable food systems. Hosted by the FAO and symbolized by a traditional Saami tent, this event aligns with World Food Day and underscores the need to integrate Indigenous knowledge—often undervalued by the scientific and policy communities—into global solutions for sustainability and climate challenges.

Uttrycket alla vägar bär till Rom är vedertaget.

Den här veckan kanske det stämmer lite extra när folk kan äta samisk mat i Italiens huvudstad.

– Intresset är väldigt stort, säger Ayla Gáren Nutti.


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