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An eagle attacked a 20-month-old girl in Orkland, Norway, while she was playing in her yard
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Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer for Indigenous reindeer herding youth has wrapped up in Mongolia, the mission was held from August 18th to August 29th
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The Centre for High North Logistics (CHNL), the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics, Kunnskapsparken Bodø AS (KPB), and the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) hosted a memorable reception on May 29 in Bodø, featuring traditional Arctic cuisine and notable speeches.
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The International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) is thrilled to announce a Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer for Indigenous reindeer herding youth.
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ICR team is visiting Dukha reindeer herders in Tsagaannuur village in Mongolia.
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The Reindeer Herding and Resilience (RHR) project is a global initiative aimed at building a comprehensive knowledge base on the traditional practices of reindeer herders, focusing on land and pasture management. Progress report for 2023 available
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The session explores the crucial role of traditional Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in the Arctic. It is a part of the global 10545 GEF- UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project.
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NRK: Reineier føler seg handlingslammet. Ørna dreper reinkalver, selv om hun gjeter døgnet rundt. Nå ber hun myndighetene om å bli tatt på alvor
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ICR hosted on-line meeting with Dukha reindeer herding youth