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Svein Disch Mathiesen, Eli R. Skum og Lars Moe: Artikkelen "Reinen som forsvant" tar for seg endringer i den norske reindriftens statistikk og praksis knyttet til kastrerte reinbukker.
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Denne rapporten inneholder oversikt over vitenskapelige publikasjoner som inneholder temaer om nomadisk reindrift tradisjonell kunnskap, klimaendringer, styring og forvaltning, arealforvaltning og tap av beiteland, urfolks matsystemer og kunnskaper. Internasjonalt senter for reindrift (ICR) har sammen med flere universiteter og høgskoler, som for eksempel Samisk høgskole ledet forskningsprosjekter der disse publikasjonene er hentet fra. I denne rapporten er det også oversikt over ICR’s rapporter til ulike mellomstatlig organer, som Arktisk råd, FNs Klima Panel IPCC m.fl.
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This scientific book is financially supported by Research Council of Norway and NordForsk. This open access book focuses on climate change, indigenous reindeer husbandry and the underlying concept of connecting the traditional knowledge of indigenous reindeer herders in the Arctic with the latest research findings of the world’s leading academics.
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Leat go nuorra eamiálbmotjođiheaddji Sirkumpolára davvi guovllus áŋgiruššamiin hutkkalašvuhtii ja sávaldat positiivvalaččat váikkuhit du servodaga? Leat go gearggus searvat dynámalaš, ovttasbargi. ja boahtteáiggediđolaš jovkui ustibiiguin ja bagadalliiguin iskat čovdosiid váttis hástalusaide vuordimis eamiálbmotservodagaide Arktalaš guovllus? Jus leat, de mii bovdet du ohcat Arctic Innovation Lab!
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October 21, 2023 (Reykjavik) Arctic Circle Assembly Session on Indigenous Reindeer Herding Youth: Pasture Resilience on Edge. Traditional reindeer herders' knowledge is a cornerstone for sustaining the nomadiclivelihoods and handling unpredictable shocks.
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Session on NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab at the Arctic Circle Assemlby 2023 was held today October 20 in Reykjavik with Indigenous representatives, youth and experts.
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Are you a young Indigenous leader from the Circumpolar North with a passion for innovation and a desire to make a positive impact on your community? Are you ready to join a dynamic, collaborative, and forward-thinking group of peers and mentors to explore solutions to pressing challenges facing Indigenous communities in the Arctic? If so, we invite you to apply for the Arctic Innovation Lab!
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Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge and Food Systems Session
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This year, the sight of this Lavvu–a traditional nomadic tent of the Sami people—was far less striking than the sounds emanating from within: empowered voices of Arctic Indigenous youth leaders speaking directly to government officials, civil society, and institutional experts on the need for urgent action to address land conflicts, land degradation, and permafrost thaw across the circumpolar North.