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- Apply for Virtual Training Program on Cultural Documentation and Intellectual Property Management for Indigenous Peoples
- International Conference on Arctic Indigenous Languages in Yakutsk. Call for papers
- The authorities of Yakutia are concerned about the reduction of domestic reindeer
- Arctic Skills-2019 competition was held in Nizhnekolymsk, Yakutia
- Stunning pictures of Mongolian reindeer herders
- Book on Arctic Indigenous Peoples Food Systems nominated for Gourmand Awards 2019
- Reindeer Herders in Mongolia Celebrate Reindeer Growth
- The Girjas case started in the Swedish Supreme Court today
- WRH Council meeting started in Surgut
- В Катангском районе Иркутской области при поддержке «Верхнечонскнефтегаза» будут возрождать оленеводство
- Conservation policies threaten indigenous reindeer herders in Mongolia
- Названы лучшие кочевые семьи Якутии
- Оленеводов Якутии ждет сложная зима
- Через неделю сахалинский законопроект о поддержке оленеводства должен быть доработан
- Máret tok til tårene etter hun vant prestisjetung matpris
- От убоя - до заготовки. ЯМАЛ
- Книгу об истории оленеводства издали на Чукотке
- Scientists have linked the preservation of indigenous languages with the development of reindeer husbandry. Monograph released
- В Норильске прошел праздник оленеводов "Большой Аргиш"
- The Fight for the Reindeer
- На Камчатке расплодились дикие северные олени
- Глава НАО провел рабочее совещание по развитию оленеводства в округе
- Дебют оленеводов. На Нижней Колыме стартовал региональный чемпионат «Молодые профессионалы»
- Забайкалье потратит 1,7 млн руб. на оленеводство и поддержку коренных народов Севера
- В институте детства РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена состоялось открытие XIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Реальность этноса»
- Stepping up youth engagement in the Arctic Council
- 1st Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ Food Congress will be held in 2020
- Reindeer population has increased in Mongolia
- Food Innovation Leadership Course in Kautokeino
- Nu står det klart - Girjas sameby vann mot staten
- Sami village wins hunting permit rights in groundbreaking court case
- Registration is Open for the 1st Arctic Indigenous Peoples´ Food Congress
- Program of the 1st Arctic Indigenous Peoples Food Congress
- Food Congress is cancelled
- Inuvialuit Regional Corporation askes for Safety for Reindeer and their Herders
- Book on Evenki cuisine is Number 1 in the World in the Arctic category
- Книга об эвенкийской кухне становится лучшей кулинарной книгой в мире в категории Арктика в 2020 году
- Rescue Action to assist reindeer herding in Finnmark
- На Ямале детям оленеводов сократили учебный год из-за коронавируса
- Colorful mini-series about reindeer herders’ life in Yamal
- Ямальские оленеводы самоизолировались в тундре
- Sami villages in Sweden worry about wolf rejuvenation in Jämtland County
- Report published by UArctic EALÁT Institute
- Releasing herds of animals into the Arctic could help fight climate change, study finds
- Эксперты считают, что улучшение жизни оленеводов спасет эвенков
- PhD defence by the Nenets researcher Roza Laptander
- China's last hunting tribe welcomes reindeer calving season
- Оленеводы Хатырки получили 705 племенных животных
- В Якутии предусмотрели средства на занятость подростков в оленеводческих хозяйствах
- Эксперты ПОРА предложили обучить коренные народы Севера предпринимательству
- Массовый отел оленей начался в Якутии
- Calls to support Cairngorm reindeer herd as they welcome new calves with ‘speckled white noses’
- There are opportunities for the Saami people to adapt to climate change
- Nenets PhD. Candidate Zoia Vylka-Ravna will defend her doctoral dissertation
- Оленеводство будут развивать на Сахалине
- China's last reindeer-raising tribe seeks more space
- New delivery from ICR:D9.1-INTERACT Guide for Local Adaptation to Environmental Change
- Оленеводы в Якутии получат по 1 млн рублей для покупки или строительства жилья
- New study finds: Reindeer were domesticated much earlier
- Arctic nomadic indigenous peoples in new collaboration with the World´s top university
- Опасная для оленеводства жара ожидается в ряде районов Якутии
- В Хабаровском крае распределили субсидию на оленеводство
- Siberia sees highest temperature in 150 years
- A new UArctic article by ICR team about resilience to climate change
- Can climate adaptation be culturally sustainable in the Arctic?
- Об оленеводстве Томпонского района Якутии
- Врио губернатора Камчатки намерен развивать оленеводство
- Sámi campaigners hand over mining petition with 37,200 signatures
- В Мурманской области хотят поддержать оленеводство
- James J. McCarthy leadership seminar for Arctic Indigenous Youth Leaders
- В Якутии определены 11 оленеводов, которым направят по 1 млн рублей на строительство жилья
- Опыт этнологической экспертизы обсудили в Якутске
- The Arctic Resilience Forum: Indigenous Youth Leadership
- Вебинар: Молодежное лидерство коренных народов – Сессия Форума по жизнестойкости в Арктике
- Indigenous Youth Panel. Arctic Resilience Forum 2020
- Утвержден состав Общественного совета Арктической зоны РФ
- Школа-сад на стойбище
- Food Security Session at the Arctic Resilience Forum 2020
- All my reindeer I know...
- Около 60 передвижных домиков поставят оленеводам Якутии до 2024 года
- Norwegian consumers want to eat more reindeer meat
- Памяти эвенкийских героев…
- In the Arctic, Reindeer Are Sustenance and a Sacred Presence
- Reindeer and wind turbines cannot coexist
- Anniversary of the 1st Arctic Youth Leaders' Summit
- WRH President celebrates 70th anniversary
- Глава Якутии побывал в гостях у многодетной семьи оленеводов
- Sámi Gastronomy: the Role of Traditional Knowledge
- World Reindeer Herders’ Congress-2021 postponed
- Даты VII Всемирного конгресса оленеводов изменены
- Leadership seminar for Arctic Indigenous Youth
- Семинар по лидерству для молодежи коренных малочисленных народов Арктики
- Open Arctic Initiative Seminar in the Memory of the late professor Jim McCarthy
- Sami senior reindeer herder and the founding president of WRH
- Public Presentation of Professor James J McCarthy Arctic indigenous youth leaders
- Indigenous Knowledge and Multiple Ways of Knowing
- COVID-19 in the Arctic region
- Effect of Climate Change on Indigenous Communities in the Arctic
- ICR & Harvard University Seminar: Discussions on Resilience
- International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry and Harvard University Seminar:Leadership among Reindeer Herders
- About Sakha (Yakutia) with Deputy Minister Mikhail Pogodaev
- Opportunities for Resilience in Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems
- Food Sovereignty and Self-Governance: Inuit Role in Management
- Fletcher Arctic Conference on Ferbruary 26
- Addressing Resilience Content on Arctic Frontiers by Joel Clement, HKS
- New UNEP Peatlands & Nomadic Herders project
- Несколько семей ямальских кочевников отправились на Камчатку
- Оленеводам Таймыра предоставят путевки и бесплатный проезд в санатории
- Scientists study the ice crust that affects reindeer pastures in northern Yamal
- Mishustin orders Government to finance Arctic Children program
- Arctic Council ministerial meeting scheduled for May 19-20
- Лучший праздник года – день оленевода
- 9th RAIPON Congress is being held in Yamal
- На Ямале проходит IX Съезд АКМНСС ДВ РФ
- 'Reindeer Cyclone': Drone footage of reindeers circling gets 2 million views
- Предприятия Ямала - единственные в России экспортеры оленины в Европу
- "Полиметалл" направит средства на поддержку коренных жителей Чукотки
- Губернатор Камчатки озвучил пути решения проблем в оленеводстве
- В Магаданской области за 7 лет количество волков увеличилось в 2,5 раза
- Резолюция III съезда чукчей Республики Саха (Якутия)
- 20th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
- Why Indigenous peoples are a priority population for the vaccine rollout
- A polar bear went far inland in Yakutia
- 300 reindeer found dead in Kamchatka
- Копытные помогут ученым оценить перспективы развития оленеводства на Ямале
- Interviews of UArctic Board members: Mikhail Pogodaev
- Youth statement by the EALLU project for the Arctic Council's Ministerial meeting
- Webinar: UN Food Systems Summit Virtual Consultation
- Circumpolar Local Environmental Observer Network : Summary Report
- Выступление главы МИД РФ Сергей Лавров на министерской сессии Арктического совета
- On cooperation between Arctic Council countries by Lev Voronkov
- Вопросы развития оленеводства и меры господдержки оленеводам обсудили в Минсельхозе России
- Article about traditional knowledge in sustainable reindeer husbandry in the third journal Arctic art and culture
- Заместитель министра по развитию Арктики и делам народов Севера РС(Я) Михаил Погодаев принял участие в заседании Совета Федерации
- Congratulations to Marta Okotetto, contributor to the Arctic Council EALLU project
- Статья о проекте ЕАЛЛУ вышла в юбилейном выпуске журнала Арктического совета
- На Таймыре проведут авиаучет численности дикого северного оленя
- Лесные пожары в Якутии
- The area of forest fires in Yakutia is increasing
- UN Food Systems Pre-Summit affiliated session
- New unique article from Rievdan Research Project
- Назначен специальный представитель российского председательства в Арктическом совете
- Chukchi reindeer herder talks about Climate change
- Inuvialuit Regional Corporation takes control of storied Canadian reindeer herd
- В Мирнинском районе Якутии пожары погубили среду обитания коренных народов
- New research project about sustainable use of land
- Mikhail Pogodaev appointed as the Russian Chairmanship’s Special Envoy for Indigenous and Regional Cooperation
- ВОИС объявила прием заявок на программу обучения для женщин-предпринимателей
- WIPO - call for applications "Intellectual Property for Women Entrepreneurs from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities"
- Цифровизация языкового и культурного наследия коренных народов Арктики
- Оленеводство и КМНС поддержат на федеральном уровне
- Arctic Indigenous Peoples Food Lab opening in Kautokeino
- Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights will take place in Yakutsk
- Arctic Council 25, Live Event
- Seminar on Digitalization of the Linguistic and Cultural Heritage of the Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic
- YouTube Live Stream links of the Intellectual Property Seminar of the Indigenous Peoples
- В Якутии обсудили перспективы развития традиционных отраслей коренных малочисленных народов Севера
- Norway court rules two windfarms harming Sami reindeer herders
- Final version of the full CLEO report
- Reindeer Husbandry –Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Arctic
- Vurdering av CLEO for norske reindriftsutøvere
- Выставка детских рисунков об оленеводстве
- Exhibition of children drawings "CHILDREN IN REINDEER HUSBANDRY – 2022"
- WRH at COP 26
- Андерс Оскал принял участие в ежегодной пресс-конференции Губернатора Югры
- Anders Oskal took part in the annual press conference of the Governor of Yugra
- The 4th Meeting of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Food Sovereignty will be held on November 20th
- В Салехарде пройдет презентация культуры питания коренных малочисленных народов Севера
- Salekhard will host a presentation of the food culture of the Indigenous Peoples of the North
- Apply for Virtual Training Program on Cultural Documentation and Intellectual Property Management for Indigenous Peoples
- Начался прием заявок на участие в Виртуальной программе обучения для коренных народов по документированию культуры и управлению интеллектуальной собственностью
- Reindeer Herders from Sápmi, Yamal and Yakutia will meet for the first time since the pandemic. Huge preparations in Yamal
- 6-16 декабря пройдет виртуальная программа обучения от ВОИС
- Virtual training program organized by WIPO will be held on December 6-16
- Aysen Nikolaev and EALLU youth
- Для развития гастрономического туризма в Арктике необходимо объединение усилий северных регионов и государственная поддержка
- Video about EALLU in Yamal 2021
- Reindeer herders & Led Zeppelin: a nice match for the holiday season! 200+ Artists Unite to Save Our Planet
- Завершилась виртуальная программа обучения ВОИС
- WIPO virtual program has been completed
- Indigenous peoples’ dependence on interaction with nature and all living things to survive: Norway’s King Speech
- Arctic Indigenous Youth Podcast Series
- 25 Years since Establishment of Association of World Reindeer Herders
- 25 лет с основания Ассоциации «Оленеводы Мира»
- Derfor foreslår vi at Arktisk råd får Nobels fredspris
- UArctic Congress 2022: Call for Abstracts
- Internship with the Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat of the Arctic Council
- UNEP and the World Bank/GEF support reindeer herders work with land preservation and resilience
- FN og Verdensbanken støtter reindriftens arbeid med arealvern og resiliens
- Сайт VII Всемирного конгресса оленеводства
- 7th World Reindeer Herders´ Congress website
- 7й Всемирный конгресс оленеводов состоится
- 7th World Reindeer Herders Congress will be held
- В Югре завершился 7 Конгресс оленеводов
- ICR at the Cairngorm Reindeer Herd
- New Rievdan Scientific Article is published
- Ásahan ráđđeaddibálvalusa areálaáššiide
- Indigenous Youth Leadership Workshop
- Workshop Program on Indigenous Youth Leadership
- Press release: Advance resilience in Arctic communities
- Reindeer Husbandry Conference 2022
- Reindeer Herding Youth among Top Three at the Arctic Innovation Pitch Competition
- Program for Reindeer Husbandry Conference 2022
- Program for Reindriftskonferansen 2022
- Prográmma Boazodoallokonferánsa 2022
- Latest Program for Reindeer Husbandry Conference 2022
- Greetings from Prof F. Berkes & Prof G. Cajete
- Prof Fikret Berkes, University of Manitoba
- Prof Gregory Cajete from University of New Mexico
- Professor Robert Corell, University of Miami
- Prof Matthias Kaiser and Sir Peter Gluckman
- Prof Matthias Kaiser, University of Bergen and University of Auckland
- Posterguide from the Reindeer Husbandry Conference 2022
- New book on Reindeer Husbandry
- Pre-Christmas story: Reindeer eyes change color
- History of the reindeer herd in Scotland
- Book on Reindeer Husbandry at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
- Interview with chef Elle Save Gaup on Dagsavisen
- Indigenous Youth Leadership for the Changing Arctic
- Indigenous Youth Leadership course started today at the Harvard Kennedy School in Boston, MA, USA
- Reindeer herders at Bocuse d’Or
- The reindeer herding communities of Gabna and Laevas need help
- Harvard course for Reindeer herding and Indigenous Youth
- Reindeer herding and Indigenous youth at Fletcher School
- Reindriften må tilpasse seg klimaendringer, men det er vanskelig med dagens forvaltning
- Anders Oskal of WRH/ICR at Bocuse d'Or
- Nomad Indigenous Foodlab presented reindeer dishes within the Ovddos seminar in Kautokeino
- Reindeer Husbandry book presentation today in Tromso
- Sáminuorra turns 60
- Reindeer shooting in the Northern Sweden
- Reindeer herders at the UNEP Europe Office in Geneva
- New GEF project on Reindeer Herding and Resilience at
- Indigenous youth occupy Norwegian energy office to protest illegal wind farm
- Rášša project meeting in Kautokeino
- Norway’s Chairship of Arctic Council
- Ethics and Research: Sustainable science in Indigenous homelands
- Reindeer meat dinner for the Regional Nordic Forum in Kautokeino
- Arctic Leadership for the future panel at the High North Dialogue conference
- Research on Oil development and Caribou
- EU-PolarNet Workshop in Guovdageaidnu
- RIEVDAN report available
- Book about Reindeer Husbandry is the Gourmand Awards winner
- ICR and GEF UNEP project team in Mongolia
- RL urges reindeer owners to withdraw from poaching
- Successful Meetings Foster Commitment and Collaboration for the Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project in Mongolia
- Gumpe goddá bohccuid jámma Sállevári bálgosis – dál dan lea lohpi goddit, muhto bievlan dat illá lihkostuvvá
- Indigenous Youth Leadership Course on Resilience, Land Degradation, and Permafrost Thaw
- Velkommen til kurs om kunnskap om reindriftens arealbruk og klimaendringer
- Rášša workshop meeting in Rauland
- Exploring Arctic Sustainability: Enhancing Resilience, Addressing Land Degradation and Permafrost Thaw through Indigenous Youth Empowerment
- Lávvu dialogue on the Norwegian Leadership in the Arctic Council
- Arctic governance session at Arendalsuka 2023
- 7th GEF Assembly: Reindeer Herding and Resilience project session
- Young Dukha reindeer herders visit reindeer herding areas in Norway
- NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab at Denmark's largest Food Festival
- Exploring Arctic Sustainability: Enhancing Resilience, Addressing Land Degradation and Permafrost Thaw Through Indigenous Empowerment
- NOMAD FoodLab session at the FAO Headquarters
- Call for Applications: Arctic Innovation Lab
- NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab session at the Arctic Circle Assembly
- Session with Indigenous Reindeer Herding Youth at the Arctic Circle Assembly
- Arctic Innovation Lab: Gávnnahit čovdosiid ja hutkkat vuostálastinnávcca Arktalaš guvlui
- Second Volume is out now: Reindeer Husbandry - Resilience in the Changing Arctic, Volume 2
- ICR 2023: Oversikt over publikasjoner med utgangspunkt i reindrift, knyttet til ulike temaer
- "Reinen som forsvant" av Svein D. Mathiesen,Eli R. Skum og Lars Moe
- Statlig styring av reindrift i utakt med samisk reindriftskunnskap (2023) av Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen
- Stáhtalaš boazodoalu stivren ii soaba oktii sámi boazodoallomáhtuin (2023) av Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen
- Historiske aspekter ved samarbeidet mellom nordiske og sovjetiske eksperter på reindrift over landegrensene
- Why reindeer eyes shine blue in the winter
- How reindeer help fight climate change
- 3rd Arctic Innovation Lab starts in Cambridge, MA
- St. Paul to revitalize on-island reindeer meat processing
- NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab at Bocuse d'Or in Trondheim
- Negotiation workshop for the Indigenous and reindeer herding youth in Guovdageaidnu, Norway
- New partnership between ICR and Woodwell Climate Research Center
- Verdens største lavvo kommer til Trondheim
- Negotiation workhsop successfully finished in Guovdageaidnu
- Sámi reindeer herder Anne-Maria Magga defends her PhD thesis
- NOMAD FoodLab at Bocuse dOr Europe next week
- NOMAD FoodLab presented dishes with reindeer meat at BOCuse dOr Europe
- New website for NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab
- Resilienstankegang i reindriftsnæringen
- Samisk nomadisk reindrift under klimaendring: Anvendelse av et generalisert rammeverk for sårbarhetsstudier på et arktisk sosio-økologisk system.
- Arctic Council chairship met ICR and WRH
- Dukha young reindeer herders at the meeting with ICR
- Fant alle de nyfødte reinkalvene drept
- Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project Session at ARCTIC CONGRESS 2024 BODØ
- Reindeer Herding and Resilience Progress Report 2023 available
- Dukha Communication Centre in Tsagaannuur
- Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer
- Memorable Reception at the Foodlab Lavvo in Bodø
- Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer in Mongolia
- Eagles attacks in Norway are increasing. Cases from attacks on humans and reindeer
- Reindeer herders are fighting to save their land and a way of life
- Reindeer Herding and Resilience Inception meeting in Mongolia
- Johan Mathis Turi received an Honorary Doctorate
- New book "From the Past to the Future: Knud Leem's 1725 Account and 300 Years of Sámi Reindeer Herding Knowledge"
- Indigenous Peoples’ food systems and NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab, Meeting 2024 at FAO
- Här serveras samisk mat i Rom: ”De ger beröm”
- WFF 2024: Knowledge and tradition coalesce at the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems
- Celebrating the cuisine of Arctic reindeer herders
- NOMAD FoodLab and Lavvu in Oslo in connections with Stortinget's Truth and Reconciliation Commission's report
- Et historisk oppgjør med fortiden
- Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project Presented to Norwegian Parliamentarians
- EALLU II and EALLU III (ARISE) projects presented by WRH at the Arctic Council SDWG meeting
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Arctic Youth Conference 2025
- WRH at the Arctic Youth Conference in Tromsø
- Rašša project meeting in Guovdageaidnu
- Herders
- Challenges
- Projects
- RIEVDAN - Knowledge: the Heart of Herding
- Nomadic Herders
- EALLIN - Reindeer Herding Youth
- Dávggas
- IPY EALÁT Research
- EALÁT Information
- UArctic EALÁT Institute
- Reindeer Husbandry & Barents 2030
- Reindeer Husbandry Brochure
- 6 WRHC 2017
- HKS/ICR course summary
- IYL Workshop
- NOMAD Indigenous FoodLab
- GEF/UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience
- Gallery
- Documents
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- Page Not Found
Herders Menu
- What is Reindeer Husbandry?
- Sámi - Norway
- Sámi – Sweden
- Sámi & Finns – Finland
- Sámi – Russia
- Nenets
- Chukchi
- Eveny
- Evenki (Russia)
- Evenki (China)
- Komi
- Koryak
- Khanty
- Mansi
- Dolgany
- Tsataan/Dukha
- Enets
- Yukagir
- Tozha Tuvans
- Nganasan
- Tofalar
- Selkup
- Scotland
- Greenland
- Chuvany
- Inupiaq Eskimo
- Inuvialuit / Sámi
- Uil’ta
- Kets
- Negidal
- Soyot