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Course announcement

The International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) is thrilled to announce a Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer for Indigenous reindeer herding youth. Scheduled to take place in Tsagaannuur, Mongolia, from middle of August, 2024, the workshop is aimed at increasing knowledge and skills about how reindeer use the landscape and how it effects the practice of reindeer milking. The workshop provides understanding of grazing land use when milking reindeer, and uses both traditional and scientific knowledge, and the students’ own practical knowledge and experiences. The workshop is a part of the GEF UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience project ( (, and will support the overall strategy to reduce land degradation and protect peatland.

  • Date: August 19-31, 2024 (including travelling dates)
  • Location: Tsagaannuur, Mongolia

Deadline for application August 5th

Workshop Highlights:

Milking of reindeer used to be important in Sámi reindeer husbandry until late 1960ths and is still important for the Indigenous Dukha reindeer herders in Mongolia today based on their rich knowledge of pastures and milking. This workshop is an introductory level workshop to Reindeer herding peoples’ traditional knowledge and practice of reindeer milking. The focus is also on building a bridge between grazing land use practices to traditional knowledge about milking of reindeer. The workshop will, on one hand, provide theoretical framework of different practices and knowledge about reindeer milking in such reindeer herding areas like Mongolia, Siberia, Scandinavia and others. On the other hand, if technically conditions are available on site and with reindeer owners’ permission, the workshop will provide participants with practical experience in milking of reindeer, preparing reindeer milk products, like cheese and yogurt. Participants of the workshop will have learned about traditional knowledge behind the process of reindeer milking, the use of reindeer milk and its products, as well as gain a deeper understanding on how pasture and land use is connected to the practice of reindeer milking. Aim is to focus on knowledge which can reduce land degradation and protect peatlands. Workshop require reading and writing skills in English (for applicants outside Mongolia), pre-reading and presentation on topics related to the workshop theme. Workshop will take place in Mongolia including visit to reindeer herders by horseback riding and camping in taiga, travel and health insurance is required. The GEF UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience project will cover the cost of travel but no salaries. 

A short essay of milking of reindeer by the end of the course is required.

Registration Information:

  • Indigenous reindeer herding youth between 21 and 30 years old
  • Language of instruction is English, with interpretation to Mongolian 
  • Limited spots are available, so we encourage early registration
  • Fill in the form: secure a spot

Workshop on Traditional Knowledge about Milking of Reindeer is an exceptional opportunity for Indigenous and reindeer herding youth to enhance their skills, network with peers, and contribute to the development of their communities. We look forward to welcoming you to this enriching event. 

For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to Alena Gerasimova at , Marina Tonkopeeva at  or Khongorzul Mungunshagai at    


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