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Source: UArctic 

The Centre for High North Logistics (CHNL), the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics, Kunnskapsparken Bodø AS (KPB), and the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) hosted a memorable reception on May 29 in Bodø, featuring traditional Arctic cuisine and notable speeches.

The Centre for High North Logistics (CHNL), the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics, Kunnskapsparken Bodø AS (KPB), and the International Center for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) hosted a reception on May 29 in the Foodlab Lavvo during a warm summer night in Bodø, ahead of the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024. The invited guests included stakeholders from Nordland County and participants of the congress.

The ICR team served delicious traditional food, including reindeer, whale, seal, char, and pink salmon.

During the reception, Professor Frode Mellemvik was honored as he retires after working on Arctic issues for several decades. UArctic and CHNL expressed their gratitude for his tireless efforts in promoting Arctic cooperation across the borders of the Arctic states. The event also celebrated the 15th anniversary of CHNL.

The event featured speeches from notable figures including the Mayor of Bodø Municipality Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, President of UArctic Lars Kullerud, Chair of the Centre for High North Logistics Felix Tschudi, CEO of KPB Erlend Bullvåg, Rector of UIT the Arctic University of Norway Dag Rune Olsen, and Executive Director of ICR Anders Oskal and Kjell Stokvik, the  lead of the UArctcic Thematic network  Arctic Transport and Logistics and Managing Director of the Centre for High North Logistics.

Photo: Sergei Balmasov CHNL

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