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Training Workshop on Traditional Knowledge of Milking Reindeer for Indigenous reindeer herding youth has wrapped up in Mongolia, the mission was held from August 18th to August 29th., including visit to Dukha reindeer herders' camp in East taiga of the Khuvsgul province. 

Until the 1960s, milking was a part of the economy of Sámi reindeer husbandry. Modernization and rationalization of Sámi reindeer husbandry, Milking RHR 1abruptly changed pasture use and milking practices. Before the herders had to herd all the time if milking was to be possible. The issue was that when you changed the herding method by not herding 24/7, milking was no longer possible. Milking disappeared very quickly in Sapmi, and the land cover changed as a consequence. Reindeer milking is still important in Dukha and Evenki reindeer husbandry. Last week the GEF UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience hold a training workshop in the Duhkas Taiga in Mongolia : Dukha, - Evenki and Saami Indigenous reindeer herders land use and knowledge of milking reindeer Saami, Dukha and Evenki participants discussed Dukha Reindeer Herders traditional knowledge related to milking of reindeer, land degradation and protections of the peatlands. More articles coming later. 

The workshop was organized by the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry within the GEF UNEP Reindeer Herding and Resilience project. 

Photo by Alena Gerasimova

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