Like many indigenous peoples, the Tozha Tuvans have fallen under the borders of differing states, under Mongolia, China and currently Russia, as a Republic since 1993.
There are approximately 5200 Tozha Tuvans. Tozha Tuvans, along with the Soyot, Tofalars, and Tsataan practice reindeer husbandry and have a millennia old link to reindeer, and mark the southerly limit of reindeer husbandry. As with those peoples, reindeer were used for transport, and used their products for clothing and milked reindeer for food. Collectivisation dramatically altered traditional structures and the end of the Soviet Union saw severe economic and cultural disruption – in 1990 the Tozha-Tuvans herded 8100 reindeer yet currently, there are less than a 1000 reindeer left. There are approximately 250 Tozha Tuvans engaged in reindeer husbandry.