The IPY EALÁT consortium has established a unique institutional data and knowledge sharing network in the circumpolar North. It will be maintained for the future cooperation between peoples and states beyond the IPY era. In implementing these efforts, the Association of World Reindeer Herders, the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, and the Sámi University College have established a UArctic EALÁT Institute University of the Arctic Institute for Circumpolar Reindeer Husbandry (UArctic EALÁT Institute) as a legacy of the International Polar Year 2007–2008.
The Institute shall be a tool for recruiting indigenous youth to scientific work, by continuing the work of IPY EALÁT by focusing on building competence locally in indigenous peoples societies. The Institute was officially opened in 2011.
The founding principles of UArctic EALÁT Institute are to:
- Increase the educational and research capacity of Arctic peoples, especially indigenous and reindeer herding peoples.
- Increase public understanding for Arctic issues and challenges for indigenous peoples and reindeer husbandry, including the monitoring of land use change.
- Replicating to other regions affected by climate change and globalization the lessons learned and knowledge of indigenous peoples and their abilities and strategies to deal with such changes.
- The institute shall have a circumpolar focus, and work for the benefit of Arctic residents with a specific focus on indigenous and reindeer herding peoples.
- The Institute is a legacy of the International Polar Year, where all partners in the IPY EALÁT Network Study and other partners are invited to participate on equal terms.