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A new UArctic article by ICR team about resilience to climate change. The article is published in this year’s UArctic Shared Voices magazine. 

Siberia heatwave: Fears of 'irreversible' permafrost melt as Russian village sees record temperatures.
The 'freaky heatwave' has not come as a surprise to climate scientists who have long warned of the consequences of rising temperatures

В Хабаровском крае распределили субсидию на оленеводство. На эти цели из краевого бюджета выделят около полутора миллионов рублей

Сильную жару, представляющую опасность для северного оленеводства, прогнозируют в нескольких районах республики 20-22 июня

A new collaboration agreement has been signed between Harvard University Arctic Initiative and Arctic reindeer herding peoples´ institutions, on developing leadership training for indigenous youth.

Reindeer were domesticated much earlier than previously thought, new study suggests. By Geoff McMaster, University of Alberta

Reindeer Herding news

Выплаты предназначены для оленеводов младше 35 лет, которые работают на территории 13 арктических районов региона

ICR delivered a guide on how to manage cooperation between local communities and scientists and how to consider and respect the ethical considerations in co-production of knowledge

Du Mingyan, 45, is a member of the Ewenkis, the last reindeer-raising tribe in China. 

Reindeer, listed as a vulnerable species by the IUCN, are mainly semi-domesticated in China. Most of the Ewenki people still live a half-nomadic life, the deer having been domesticated by older Ewenkis for transportation. 


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