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Книга «Традиционная кухня эвенков Южной Якутии» заняла первое место среди книг о северной кухне на международном конкурсе кулинарных книг Премии Гурман 2020 года, списки победителей опубликованы на официальном сайте Премии Гурман

Cookbook on Evenki cuisine “The traditional cuisine of the Evenki people of Southern Yakutia” wins the 1st place in the category C 22 Arctic at the Gourmand World Cookbook  Awards 2020

The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) would like to inform all residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) that a team of Reindeer herders will be out on the land working with the Reindeer herd on a regular basis

Reindeer Herding news

We are sorry to inform that the planned 1st Arctic Indigenous Peoples' Food Congress in Kautokeino, Norway, March 9-13, 2002, is cancelled...

The program for the 1st Arctic Indigenous Peoples Food Congress is published. 

Registration is Open for the 1st Arctic Indigenous Peoples´ Food Congress

A ten-year legal battle came to an end on Thursday, with Sweden's top court ruling in favour of a Sami association against the state.

Reindeer Herding news

Nu står det klart - Girjas sameby vann mot staten. 

A new course will be held in Kautokeino (Norway) on March 10th


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