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В Катангском районе Иркутской области при поддержке акционерного общества «Верхнечонскнефтегаз» (входит в состав НК «Роснефть») будут возрождать оленеводческую отрасль – традиционную для эвенков, коренного населения муниципалитета.

Saami students

Students from Saami University of Applied Science and Saami High School and reindeer herding School in Kautokeino made their own break out session in Arctic Circle: TRAINING OF ARCTIC INDIGENOUS YOUTH FOR ARCTIC CHANGE 2019 by UArctic EÁLAT Institute & University of the Arctic Institute for Circumpolar Reindeer Husbandry in Cooperation with Nomadic Herders and Rievdan.

Reindeer Herding news

Council meeting of the Association of World Reindeer Herders (WRH) started in the city of Surgut in the Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous Okrug in Russia today, October 1. The meeting gathered reindeer herders from 21 reindeer herding regions - 17 regions from Russia and 5 regions outside Russia - Nowray, Sweden, Greenland, Finland and Mongolia, altogether about 40 participants.

Reindeer Herding news

In 2009 the Girjas Sámi Village and Swedish Sámi National Union (SSR) went to court against the Swedish State to try who has the right to manage small-game hunting and fishing on the reindeer pastures of Girjas Sámi Village in the mountains...

Reindeer Herding news

A cattle census made at the end of 2018 shows that the number of reindeer population of Mongolia increased to 2396. In particular, reindeer herder families in the taiga area of Mongolia whose lives depend on their reindeers...

Reindeer Herding news

Recently published scientific journal Diedut: Arctic Indigenous Peoples Food Systems is one of the results of the RIEVDAN project which was conducted...

Boy riding a reindeer

“One of the last remaining nomadic groups of reindeer herders has been tracked down and captured on camera in northern Mongolia. Japanese photographer Madoka Ikegami visited the...

Reindeer Herding news

From April 16 to April 18, 2019, in the Khalarchinskaya tundra, Yakutia, Russia, the II Professional Skill Contest “Arctic Skills-2019” was held among reindeer herders and students...

Reindeer Herding news

According to TASS, the main reasons for the reduction are associated with the death of animals from exhaustion and low survival of reindeer calves...


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