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In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, on November 15, the traditional press conference of Governor Natalya Komarova was held online. It was attended by regional, municipal and federal media, as well as representatives of the foreign press.

 В Югре 15 ноября в формате онлайн прошла традиционная пресс-конференция губернатора Натальи Комаровой. В ней приняли участие региональные, муниципальные и федеральные СМИ, а также представители зарубежной прессы.

Anders Oskal Association of World Reindeer Herders Present at COP today in Glasgow

Children and youth in the different reindeer herding regions in the circumpolar Arctic are hereby invited to send in drawings to the exhibition “Children in reindeer husbandry – 2022”.

Приглашаем детей и молодежь до 17 лет из оленеводческих регионов принять участие в выставке рисунков «Дети в оленеводстве – 2022»!

Denne rapporten er en evaluering av Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network1 ved bruk av erfaringene fra pilottestene utført I perioden 2016-2020 utført arktiske
akademikere, urfolksinstitusjoner og samisk samfunn i Norge.

A new book in Springer Polar Sciences

About the book 

Reindeer Husbandry –Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Arctic 

S. D. Mathiesen, I. M. Eira, E. I. Turi, A. Oskal, M. Pogodaev, M. Tonkopeeva (eds)

Final version of the full report from the Circumpolar Local Environmental Observer Network (CLEO) is published

More than 150 turbines may be torn down after licences to operate and build them are declared void


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