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In connection with recent events the organizers of the 7th World Reindeer Herders Congress decided to hold the event in a hybrid version, where reindeer herders who cannot come to Khanty-Mansiysk will participate online.

Организаторы решили провести конгресс в гибридном варианте, где зарубежные участники, которые не смогут приехать в Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ, подключатся к мероприятию онлайн.

7th World Reindeer Herders Congress will be held in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra on March 4-8.

The host side has developed a website where you can get acquainted with the program, as well as register for participation in the congress.

Остается 10 дней до начала VII Всемирного конгресса оленеводов, который пройдет в Ханты-Мансийском автономном округе – Югре с 4 по 8 марта.

Принимающая сторона разработала сайт, где можно ознакомиться с программой, а также пройти регистрацию для участия в конгрессе

Et nytt internasjonalt kompetanseprogram for reindriftsungdom ved Internasjonalt reindriftssenter (ICR) i Kautokeino støttes nå med 20 millioner kroner fra FNs miljøprogram (UNEP) og Verdensbanken.

A new international competence-building program for indigenous reindeer herding youth at the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) in Norway is now supported with ca USD 2 million from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Bank/ Global Environmental Facility (GEF).

The Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat (IPS) is looking for an intern interested in learning the aspects of working in an international environment. The duration of the paid internship is 10-12 months full-time.

Abstract submissions is welcomed for the accepted open sessions to be held during the UArctic Congress on October 4 – 7, 2022. The deadline for abstract proposals is February 15, 2022.

Text and source: Nordnorsk debatt. Samarbeidet i Arktisk råd er eksepsjonelt i internasjonal sammenheng. I en tid hvor manglende samarbeid og tillit mellom land truer freden omkring Ukraina og andre steder, vil en tildeling av Nobels fredspris til Arktisk råd understreke hva verden trenger mer av.


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